silverware set
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OK we're having an auction!! Nothing outside to sell this time. We'll start inside promptly at 10 am. Nice variety of collectibles and useful stuff to start off the New Year!! Come on out and enjoy breakfast and/or lunch in a great atmosphere. Always 70 degrees in the auction house and a fun crowd as well!
We charge no tax, buyer premium or credit card fees. Just a straight up country auction. We're glad to take phone or proxy bids and shipping to you with very little upcharge.
FURNITURE ANTIQUE/VINTAGE/MODERN: round oak table, large gilded wall cabinet needs glass repair, old blanket chest, oak library table, oak drop leaf table on casters, rustic entertainment cabinet, 2 old wooden desks, cast iron sewing machine base table, live edge slab table top needs refinishing, nice custom made cedar lined oak blanket chest, double bed, oak file cabinet 2 drawer, antique walnut parlor table, galvanized tub with stand, mission oak school desk, oak bookcase with glass doors, 4 drawer dresser, antique brass bed, shelves and stands, cast aluminum plant stand, mirrors, tall lighted cabinet glass shelves, tall jewelry box
TOOLS ANTIQUE & MODERN: heavy duty rolling steel shop table with aluminum platforms, long handled tools, nice 8" bench grinder, steel hand truck, old and newer hand tools, antique cast iron finger plane, aluminum cooling plate block, powerful magnets, WW2 entrenching tool, cast iron Stanley level, Weidenhoff magneto tester?, Central Machinery belt/disc sander, hatchets, 2 new Patlite 120v signal tower lights, Rubbermaid mop bucket
ANTIQUES/VINTAGE/COLLECTIBLES: antique wooden tool tote, framed original art and prints, figurines, lamps and lighting parts include Aladdin, old books, cut crystal, quilt, several old Schnauzer dog figurines, tobacco box and pocket tins, military aircraft prints, Henry County Atlas, class embossed horse bowl likely French, spelter horse clock topper, porcelain horse figurines, wood carved Swedish rosemaled folk art horses, local advertising pieces includes Kewanee registering dime bank, round spectacles, Moor Mans Feeds coasters, Swarovski bird in box, porcelain skull nodder match safe, Westmoreland horse covered animal dish, 4 mint unused vintage embossed tin signs Wise Owl Fence Pekin Illinois, vintage epidemic cardboard signs, large Santa Claus figure, antique French art nouveau wind up clock, Borrah Minevitch harmonica, antique catalin cigarette holder, nice vintage Hires Root Beer advertising sign with Santa Claus, mint vintage German Gerz 2 handled beer steins, Harley Davidson Snow Village building MIB, Harley Davidson clock, Bindler's Dairy milk bottle porch box, stainless fire extinguisher, art glass, Seth Thomas tambour wind up mantle clock, copper & brass fox hunt horn, 1932 spelter piano player table lamp, Quaker Oats collectibles, Indian basket, large quartz geode, cocktail shaker, baby quilt, Austrian porcelain ewer, alacite Aladdin oil lamp, Gus Keller liquour sales advertising paperweight, stamps, Katherine's Collection mannequin head, 1972 dated Indian bust, brass carved Egyptian charger, Royal typewriter, concrete lion garden statue, kick start Sears Roebuck washing machine engine, Sunbeam Shavemaster store display, cast iron 2 piece garden urn, 3 gal. birch leaf crock, old barometers, glass candy container windmill tin blades, pewter, Fenton hobnail, nice Copco cast iron skillet, NM vintage Stanley thermos, NM Aladdin thermos advertising Union Pacific Railroad, antique wooden stool cast iron base, vintage Christmas decorations, New Orleans millenium clown, stereoview cards, Hull vases, check writer, nice old silverplate items, driftwood, wrought iron plant stand
OFFICE: nice dry erase boards 6' 8' & 10',
SPORTSMAN: Union gun safe digital key pad, several new hand crafted Damascus steel knives and pocket knives, MIB Outers gun cleaning kit, Gunslick cleaning kit, MIB Bushnell rifle scope, NIB Coleman camp stove, tackle box w/tackle
TOYS ANTIQUE VINTAGE & MODERN: Legos, several versions of Breyer mustang horses includes Descaro Breyerfest limited edition, 3 versions MIB Xonex tin toy Harley Davidsons, antique mohair teddy bear and another jointed bear, antique marble bagatelle game, large old Felix the Cat chalkware figure, 1960s Aurora monster models, wind up 1950s Marx Pluto Disney toy, 1977 King Kong bank, tin wind up Chein toy rabbit, Chein drummer boy not working, nice red line Hot Wheels, Russian wind up tin motorcycle, vintage Japan friction tin PD patrol toy motorcycle, Fisher Price Mickey Mouse safety patrol motorcycle, old toy cars and trucks, MIB 1963 wolf marionette, Burger King Movie Toys displays, Tiger lazer tag guns, large Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS machine guns, Sesame Street radio controlled roadway, Breyer pacer with cart, Rivarossi HO 2-4-4-2 locomotive and tender chipped cab roof, brass 4-4 articulated tender Western Maryland, Walt Disney 1930s Sleepy doll composition not perfect, MIB 1951 Walt Disney Fisher Price musical sweeper, mint never used toy wheelbarrow, mint Hy-Speed toy metal wagon, vintage Barbie doll with clothes, vintage Rosen Easter candy containers and toys, old games, large Sponge Bob toys, Nerf toys, old dolls
ELECTRONICS VINTAGE & MODERN: Acer monitor cracked screen, Henry Kloss Model One Tivoli Audio radio, Technics CD player/changer, scarce Pioneer multi cassette changer, NIB Visio surround speakers, 5' tall animated Grinch with box, Scansnap S1500 scanner, Philips Micro System stereo, Slingerland chrome snare drum with stand and case, Michelob Dry neon motion clock, Sonos wireless Play 3 speaker, Sony 5.1 surround sound system, new commercial FAMA cheese grater 1HP, vintage Craftsmen 1000 tube AM/FM tuner, Apple laptop, Polk Audio subwoofer, NIB Jensen boombox
COINS/GOLD/SILVER/JEWELRY etc.: lots of costume jewelry, Mint in case vintage Clinton watch with Oil Chemical & Atomic Workers union dial, sterling silver hair brush, antique 14k solid gold spectacles, 14k white gold pearl ring, sterling silver USAAF lapel 2 piece pin and chain, large copper alien UFO tokens, graded peace & morgan dollars, old silver framed coin sets, gold & silver statehood quarters in presentation case, MIB Lewis & Clark silver round, vintage proof sets, several antique American silver and other coins, American silver eagles, foreign coins and paper money, 5 dollar gold American Eagle, 1880 5 dollar gold coin, 10" tall sterling silver candlesticks, sterling silver cruet serving set, Indian jewelry
AUTOMOTIVE/BOAT/MOTORCYCLE: Appleton car spotlight, FEDERAL MOGUL advertising metal cabinet, vintage motorcycle license plates, Top Kik Motor Oil coin bank, 1960 Oldsmobile brochure, Allstate 5lb. grease can, MIB light up skull motorcycle fender ornaments, tough Bowes Tire Repair box, chrome skull tailpipe cap
SPORTS: vintage baseball football & basketball trade cards, mint Chicago Bulls trade cards, Dale Earnhardt racing jacket, tumbling mat
HOUSEHOLD: NIB large size mailbox, Shark & Eureka vacuums
...and lots more!!!
See terms and conditions for general terms. See auction house rules at the auction house.
United States
Day of sale unless arrangements are made.