Barber halves/Walking Liberty half
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Great looking offering for you this weekend!!
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Food and beverages available. 70 degrees inside as always. No tax, buyer premium or credit card fees! We gladly accept absentee bids and we'll ship with very little upcharge. Hope to see you out here!!
TOOLS ANTIQUE/VINTAGE/MODERN: post hole digger, rakes, aluminum step ladder, log chains, manual pallet fork truck, Nelson lawn watering sprinkler tractor, sprayers, jack stands, Flotec pump, tool boxes and trays, apple picking ladder, vintage Radio yard cart, floor jack, Craftsman tool chest, heavy roll around tool chest, Craftsman tilting arbor bench saw, old gas cans, blow torches, slide projectors, old machinist tools, copper head hammers, several Craftsman tools includes sets, Dewalt 18v 1/2" impact wrench, nice Kennedy tool boxes, B&D circular saw, B&D belt sander in box, hammers clamps and several hand tools, large cast iron machinist inspection plate, scarce 6" Wilton bullet vise from East Moline International Harvester plant, 1" drive socket set, beam compasses, Bailey wood planes, Millers Falls mitre box, pinch bars, files, pneumatic cut off tool in box, 1800s cast iron Hapgood plow works tool box, antique watch maker/repair tools, like new Teel cast iron 1/2 hp utility pump, MIB Craftsman Rotary trim cutter, Craftsman drill set new, fire extinguishers, copper wire and tubing, small power tools most are Craftsman, new Fiskars pole trimmer, old blacksmith forge, Craftsman 10" drill press, Craftsman roll around tool cart
ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: old bottles, cast iron pieces includes fern stand, old cultivator wheels, milk cans, Norman Rockwell plates, water skis, cast iron parlor stove, crocks, antique cast iron bell, cast iron cow head bell, wash boards, vintage MED-CRUISE Navy books, late 60s-70 Riverdale High School yearbooks, civil war books, erotica books, war books, Indian books, hammered brass framed Jesus Christ, John Wayne clock, White King Liberty trombone in case with 2 mouthpieces, Minolta 35mm camera, butter churns, comic books, Northwestern Lines RR magazines, many adult VHS movies, vintage steel and wooden ammo boxes, adult comics, Singer table sewing machines, several adult magazines, Coca Cola collectibles, tobacco crocks from Rock Falls Illinois, antique GE pancake motor table fan, mint Pendleton/Woolrich/Beaver State blankets, old milk bottles, antique cow weather vane, large antique belt pulley, Highland Queen whisky box, Case IH poster, old oil cans, head vases, Murano scent bottle, art deco chrome nude lady ashtray, Elmwood Dairy pocket lighter, small Van Briggle piece, rabbit candy container, railroad switch/caboose/locomotive keys, 1915 Rock Island Lines grade line track blueprint, geode and crystals, vintage porcelain angel figurines, vintage Asian irredescent glaze art pottery signed, weather vane arrow with glass, Hagen Renaker animal figurines, nice vintage art pottery lamp Air Guide round thermometer, Murano spire bookends? signed art pottery lidded jar, Emmett Kelly large chalkware figures, large Seth Thomas calendar wall clock, antique folding box, large hand painted Viet Nam era soldier saving girl, leaded art glass with bee, Red Wing birch leaf 2 gallon crock, nice silverplate flatware sets in boxes, railroad and other stock certificates, Rollei 35mm camera with Carl Zeiss lens, Pentax 35mm camera outfit, MIB Vivitar 500mm mirror lens, steam locomotive telephone, US flag and banner, Keuffel and Esser surveying scope, portable phonograph, antique bisque head dolls, Halloween and fall decorations, German cuckoo clock, CMSt.P&PRR galvanized bucket, old fountain pens, gold filled and silver pens and pen sets, several pocket watch keys, drafting sets in boxes, several clock keys, jeweler's torch, old keys, old shoes in box, old lederhosen, milk bottle carrier, CN&WRY lamp filler, Maxwell House coffee advertising thermometer, civil war bullets, 1909 gold plated walking stick and brass horse head cane, cast iron cherry pitter, Coca Cola advertising diecut Santa Claus, antique cast iron pulley, cast iron paper dispenser general store, antique iron scale, civil war era books, civil war framed items, old Schlitz beer advertising 1940s 50s, wire umbrella stand, canes and walking sticks, fancy work, new unused vintage tablecloths, cast iron eastlake kerosene chandelier arms, new unused handmade rag rug runners up to 38 feet in length, MIB Baccarat paper weights, anniversary clocks, Royal Copley, oil lamp, Federal Glass 1920s Jack Frost crackle glass water set, scarce Dan Patch lunch pail tobacco tin, beautiful porcelain hand crafted lamp with children base, antique irredescent green enameled glass boxes, horse shaped teapot, nude lady cast iron bookends, antique motorcycle art deco desk top paper holder, antique brass cow bell, CNW RR cast iron plaque, rare majolica jardiniere, Betsy Ross cigar cutter cast iron top plate, porcelain eagle shaving mug, hand carved wooden man in the wood wall hangings, leather riding chaps cowboy, Nootka Indian tribe potlach plank, framed Spirited Horses print, electric vintage light up barber pole, old Buster Brown advertising box, porcelain Barber Shop sign, scarce Bon Ami advertising wooden box, old Budweiser beer tray, wooden Quaker style boxes, clock parts, large antique brass door knockers, WW1 military photo album, safety razor collection, early electric safety razor in original box, shaving brushes and holders include rare porcelain box, straight razors, Indian child's moccasins, mint bulk set Gillette safety razors and blades, airplane propeller, bookends include brass deer, Stetson hats advertising figure western, True Blue bronze clad soldier Rough Riders, wool drill sargeant hat, cast iron Ulysses Grant doorstop, old stamps collection, original 1861 New York civil war era newspapers, Christmas decorations, Tom Clark gnomes, ice skates
FURNITURE ANTIQUE/VINTAGE/MODERN: oak dresser, mid century dresser, 3 table leaves, maple dresser, maple wall mirror, several small pieces of vintage furniture
SPORTSMAN: unused Camp Chef lp stove, antique binos, ocean fishing reels, filet knives, several old fishing reels, Rapala fisherman's tool kit, 12 volt boat television, vintage 45 cal. pistol ball cartridges M1911 in box, nice signed Japanese bayonette, 1881 dated octagon barrel pistol possibly .38 cal., pocket knives, antique brass Primus portable stove, boxes of pellets, ammo includes .357 9mm .22 44 12 ga. .451 7.62,Daisy scope, Alcas fisherman's solution knife, powder flasks, Bantam Weaver S2 scope, Bushnell 4-12 x 40 scope, Southbend and Penn reels in boxes, RF10 wireless fish finder, monoscope, mint Daisy CO2 MI1911 style bb pistol, MIB Marksman magnetic pellet trap, fishing rods and Bazuka rod case
ELECTRONICS VINTAGE/MODERN: DVDs, NIB Samsung VR head gear, Elvis records, Gator guitar case, MIB Lasko humidifier, Bose Wave radio, rock albums include The Cars CCR The Kinks etc., Hitachi cassette deck, Yamaha silver face receiver, Sansui speakers, VHS player, 45 RPM records, 78 rpm records
TOYS MODERN/VINTAGE/ANTIQUE: Sealed 1999 Pokemon cards, Hot Wheels sets, Beanie Babies, MOC Matchbox cars, JOAL Caterpillar truck in box, comic books, Barbie books, 2 Lionel transformers, Hot Wheels cases, several MOC Hot Wheels, Barbie toys, toys and dolls, large porcelain doll in box, unused RC Cola garden gauge train, MIB diecast toy trucks, Lionel 3 rail track and switches, MIB Grandpa tin car, 1920s tin wind up car, AC Gleaner combine, Mego Navarone Giant WWII army play set, Lionel freight train set, aluminum Lionel passenger train set, toy train accessories, Jenson toy steam engine tools, Wasp electric toy motor, Stuart steam engine and parts, brass and cast iron cannons, cowboy and Davy Crockett lamps and trash can, Gilbert erector set, Banthrico Lincoln car, tall 1800s china shoulder head doll, Breyer and Hartland horses, small antique all bisque doll, vintage plastic musical Wonder Horse, friction plastic hot rods, 3 beautiful Wyandotte streamlined toy trucks, Aurora slot car set, Nylint turnahauler, Mighty Tonka dump truck, large old wooden Colonial doll house, cast chrome Flying Skull motorcycle fender ornaments, Brevett toy soldiers, new and old games, vintage wooden Wonder Horse
AUTOMOTIVE: scarce 1963 Ford reverberation unit for the car radio includes speakers and instructions, MACK truck hood ornaments/box/brass emblem, chrome Sun tachometer, Wolf's Head oil coin bank, Pontiac dealership picture cards include Trans Am, brass 1920s MACK truck emblem
COINS/GOLD/SILVER/JEWELRY: costume jewelry, 18 collector coin books partially filled dating into the 1800s, several painted Morgan dollars, several other Morgan and peace dollars, silver quarters halves dimes etc. many in excellent condition, pennies nickles etc. 1923 large silver dollar note, old Canadian coins, proof coins, rounds etc., old steel ring sizer, antique watch strap salesman sample case, old pocket and wrist watches includes Marcel chronograph, several pocket watch keys, pocket watch and wrist watch crystals
SPORTS VINTAGE/MODERN: vintage ball gloves and shoulder pads, signed minor leagues baseball
.....and a whole lot more!!!
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United States
Day of sale unless arrangements are made.